3 Effective Ways to Involve Your Employees in Your Culture-Building Efforts
The more employees you can engage, involve, and include in your culture-building efforts, the greater the likelihood is that you will succeed in making great improvements in your workplace culture. Here are 3 effective ways to get your employees engaged with your culture.
Here are three ideas to involve employees in your ongoing efforts to continuously improve your culture.
#1. Hold a culture pitch day every four months, where individuals, groups of employees, teams of employees, it doesn’t matter, have the chance to pitch an idea that will improve your culture. Challenge them to make it well reasoned, well thought out. They have to make their argument. They have to make their pitch to you. Turn it into a fun event. Turn it into a game show style event. But do this every four months as a way to continuously get your employees involved in bringing ideas forward that will improve your culture.
#2. Hold a three-in-three challenge, where you simply challenge every team or every department in your organization to come up with three ideas that will improve your culture within the span of three months.
#3. Recognize and reward your culture stars. At the end of every month, give out a fun recognition reward to the culture MVP – for the employee who best lives your culture out loud. And once a quarter, give out a recognition reward to the team that best lives your culture out loud.
Three simple ideas to keep improving your culture while involving your employees.
What do you do? What are you doing to engage your employees in the process of continuously improving your culture? Please leave a comment in the comments below. I would love to hear your ideas, your suggestions. And if you haven’t yet subscribed to my channel, please subscribe to my Inspiring Workplaces channel where we talk about all things workplace culture, where we talk about workplaces that rock!
Michael Kerr is a Canadian Hall of Fame speaker and the author of 8 books, including The Jerk-Free Workplace and The Humor Advantage.