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16 Ideas to Shift Your Workplace Culture

  1. Create a dedicated “Culture Squad” that includes employees at all levels and across departments to look at initiatives that will shift your culture.
  1. Hold a yearly culture boot camp re-energizer day to reinforce your cultural values and norms.
  1. Hold a “culture pitch day” every four to six months where employees or teams can pitch ideas that will improve your culture. You can put the best ideas to an employee-wide vote and/or award prizes for the most creative or impactful suggestions.
  1. Create monthly culture themes to have everyone focus intensely on one aspect of your workplace culture each month. For inspiration for monthly theme ideas, pop over to Monthly Culture Themes.
  1. Create a 3-in-3 challenge where teams are encouraged to implement three ideas over the course of three months to improve your culture.
  1. Hold a “values blitz” where you have everyone model one value per week as intensely as possible to demonstrate what’s possible and to turn your values into action.
  1. Use the Wheel of Change framework every quarter: What is one thing everyone needs to commit to KEEP doing; one thing everyone needs to START DOING or CREATE; what is one thing everyone needs to STOP doing that will help you shift your culture?
  1. Open and close meetings with a “culture moment” where you share examples of your desired cultural norms and values in action and recognize employees for living your values out loud.
  1. Create three rituals or traditions that will help you strengthen your workplace culture. For inspiration: Workplace Rituals and Traditions.
  1. Send out a question of the week to employees to check the pulse of your employees on various work-related topics.
  1. Create a minimum of three fun recognition awards that link directly to your cultural norms and values. For inspiration: Fun Workplace Awards. 
  1. Hold daily team huddles as a checkpoint and chance to reinforce values and cultural norms. Daily huddles are held standing up (no chairs allowed or they become a meeting); same time; same place; set agenda; five to ten minutes long.
  1. Create a contest for teams to bring your cultural norms, your vision/mission and or your values to life in a creative video that can ultimately be used to promote your culture on your website and for use when on-boarding and training new employees.
  1. Create fun milestones and celebrate your progress with key culture initiatives.
  1. Infuse your workplace with more fun! As the saying goes, “Work made fun gets done!” Humor is a key ingredient when it comes to creating a psychologically safe workplace culture; it helps build a more positive workplace culture AND it reflects a positive workplace culture.

16.  Sign your team up to the Culture Leadership Online Academy! 12 video-based modules, eBooks, and resources all designed to help you shift your culture and to build a more collaborative, inspiring, innovative, service-focused and FUN workplace!

Michael Kerr is a Hall of Fame speaker who travels the world researching, writing, and speaking about inspiring workplace cultures, inspiring leadership, and humor at work.  He is the author of 8 books, including The Humor Advantage: Why Some Businesses are Laughing All the Way to the Bank, The Jerk-Free Workplace, and Hire, Inspire, and Fuel Their Fire: How to Recruit, Onboard, and Train new Employees to Live Your Culture Out Loud! 

To see how Michael can help energize your workplace book an appointment here!