Why Hire a Funny Canadian Business Speaker?
Canadian Motivational Speaker Michael Kerr
So, why should you hire a Canadian professional speaker?
Michael Kerr, a Hall of Fame international business speaker, motivational speaker, and trainer who has been listed as one of Canada’s most in-demand professional speakers, believes that conferences of any shape and size can benefit enormously from hiring Canadian speakers. Canadian professional speakers have rightfully earned the reputation of being among the best of the best in the world of professional speaking.
Here are the Top-10 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Canadian Speaker
10. It’s a little known fact, but Canadians smell great. Now, I haven’t smelled ALL Canadians, but I have sampled a good many, and I can attest to this fact. We typically smell like those little pine tree air fresheners you hang from your rear view mirror or maple syrup.
9. Most Canadian speakers plug their cars in during the winter, barbecue in January, and have survived snowstorms in July, so a Canadian professional speaker will make it to any conference, any time, regardless of the weather. We’ll hire a dogsled team if need be damn it!
8. One of our top exports to the United States is our comedy. And no, I’m not just speaking of William Shatner. We are known worldwide for our self-effacing, moose-based humour with a “u” that will be so unoffensive you won’t even know when we’ve actually offended you!
7. Canadian professional speakers are known for their ability to deliver relevant content in a fun, yet exceedingly polite way.
6. Canadian speakers make fantastic use of hockey metaphors. And if you don’t understand hockey, we can easily change it up to a lacrosse metaphor!
5. We look fabulous in a toque! This is more important than you might ever imagine.
4. Canadian speakers always finish on time. In fact, speakers from Newfoundland will finish a half hour early!
3. Our English accents are so vanilla they are readily understood by almost everyone who speaks English. And our French speakers really know how to French!
2. Canadian professional speakers are notoriously humble. (To find out more, please visit my insanely incredible RAVE REVIEWS on my website!)
1. Canadian motivational speakers put the CAN in Canada! Cheesy, I know, but that’s part our adorable appeal!
To learn about about what a great Canadian speaker can accomplish for your event book a conversation here or drop me an email: mike@mikekerr.com